Ministers of the Word

Ministers of the Word read at Sunday Mass and on Holy Days, and daily Masses. We hope to have two readers on Sundays ­one for the First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm and the other for the Second Reading and the Prayer of the Faithful.

New Ministers of the Word are always needed. No special skills are required, just a desire to enhance the Liturgy by bring the Word of God to life for those attending Mass.

Training can be provided if necessary.

Contact Fr. Michael

Ministers of the Word- Rota

Ministers of the Eucharist

Ministers of the Eucharist assist with the distribution of Holy Communion to all Masses on weekdays, weekends, Holy Days and special Feast Days. They also bring Holy Communion to the sick and housebound in our Community.

Time Commitment:

Frequency depends on the number of people committed to this Ministry. Eucharistic Ministers are usually asked to serve at one designated Mass every Sunday of each alternate month. Weekday and Holy Day rosters are drawn up to suit each individual’s various commitments.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

There is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Monday to Saturday from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. This is an opportunity to spend some quiet time in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. You are welcome to sign up for one hour or 30 minutes. The Coordinators of the programme are, Peggy Canty, Brian Barrett, Siobhán O’ Donovan and Jerry O’ Leary.


The Sacristan is in charge of the smooth running of every service held in the Church. He/she prepares the altar vessels and linens, the bread and wine, and the readings needed for each Mass. He also maintains supplies of candles, altar bread and wine and everything else that is needed. More volunteers are needed, and if you would like to help in this very important and rewarding Ministry, have a chat with Fr. Michael.

Church Collections

Collections are taken up during every Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Volunteers are sought to take up the collections on a regular basis.

If you can help, even occasionally, please contact the parish office 021 4341362 or call to the Sacristy with your details after Mass.

Peace and Justice Group

The Wilton SMA parish Justice group provided the following information to help highlight what life can be like in the Direct Provision system:

The strangers we speak of include 5,000 asylum seekers in Ireland currently awaiting a decision by the Department of Justice on whether they will or will not receive refugee status. During this process they are detained in Direct Provision Centres, where they are not allowed to work and receive €19.00 a week. Some asylum seekers have been living in these centres for up to ten years. One woman was in the Direct Provision Centre in Kinsale Road, on the outskirts of Cork City, for ten years.

In a recent report one asylum seeker gave an account of living in such a centre: “The accommodation centre is very insecure; it has made many people lose their self-worth and has destroyed many people’s health. Children have lost the sense of normal living and belonging, they have become completely institutionalised. The system is harmful for children and has bad impact for families; children are exposed to much bad behaviour and are in danger of living in communal system with people that they don’t know… Issues of trauma and conflict have never been discussed, many women don’t want to talk about rape and the impact it has on them… There is danger here in this centre with all these young men that are on drugs. I fear if any woman or girl is caught by force, I experienced it and it’s such a bad thing, I would not wish to hear it has happened to anyone.” (Healing the Wounds of War Narratives of Women from Armed Conflict. Wezesha. 2016.)

The SMA Pilgrimage to Knock gives us an opportunity to pray for these asylum seekers and work for a more just system for them.

Bereavement Support Group

The Bereavement Support group 

Currently there is no Support Group running. We are hoping to resume this group in the near future.


Parish Council



Church Music is provided by Niamh Roe . The SMA choir sing at the 6 pm Mass every Saturday (excluding the summer months). New members urgently required. Rehearsal time & day to be confirmed. Contact Niamh for further information.

Music is also provided at the 10 am Mass during week days & the 10.30 am Mass on Sunday.

Both Niamh & Kyle are also available to play at Weddings & funerals.

Contact: Niamh: 021 4542838/0863739232

Kyle:    021 4888380/0857154770

News Letters