Date(s) - 10/09/2023
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
St Joseph's Church, SMA
The parish, with the support of the Bons Secours Hospital, are once again hosting an International Fun day in the SMA grounds behind the church. The date is Sunday 10th September 2 – 6 pm. An invitation is extended to all nationalists in the diocese to participate. An invitation is also extended to the Ukrainian community to join us on the day.
This is an opportunity for non-Irish nationals to identify with our parish effort and come forward and contribute to the day. We are hoping members of the parish will volunteer and support the day in one or other of the ways that we will be seeking support.
The number of people who have offered their names to assist on the day will be contacted very soon. It’s nice to see the names of people who have not been active in the parish having registered their names. It’s hoped that the International day will be the beginning of a greater awareness of the involvement of people in the life of our parish.